
7/1-17: Touchstone of Reality

01 Jul 2015, 12:59 am

balancing rocks

Overview: The first and second week of July are fairly action packed with a full moon to kick off the month followed by some action oriented transits during the 2nd week. As we expand and grow, the structures in our lives must change and flex to support this expansion. This summer asks us to take a closer look at our values and relationships and make any necessary changes. You may be called to change up your living situation or allocate your finances differently. See where you call allow a fuller expression of yourself at some deep structural levels in ways that support you feeling safe and grounded versus spread too thin.

7/1-2…Full Moon in Capricorn…This full moon asks us to be bold in matters of the heart. Since Capricorn helps us with planning and goal setting and Venus and Jupiter are here to celebrate love in a big way, see where you can set your sights on a structure that best supports your desires, creativity, and relationships. Capricorn sometimes defaults to thinking it has to do all the hard work or else the work won’t get done. This can be at odds with the fun loving energy In the air with Jupiter and Venus which doesn’t care how much it costs, you only live once, right? If only it were that simple. So, for those of you prone to excess, use the Capricorn energy to help create a sustainable path to fuel your desires. And for those of you prone to thinking that you have to work really hard before you can have any fun, take a risk on your desires and see where it leads. Whether single or attached,  boldly declare your appreciations for those you care most about.

7/3-4…Happy Interdependence Day. The moon moves into Aquarius just in time for the holiday, encouraging us to buck tradition and try something new. Here is a quote from Gandhi for inspiration: “Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being. Without interrelation with society s/he cannot realize his oneness with the universe or suppress his egotism. His social interdependence enables him to test his faith and prove himself on the touchstone of reality.”

7/5-6…The sun opposes Pluto on Monday, shining the light on some important endings. Release and let go of what you no longer need. You may be surprised at how simplifying can give you the extra energy to tackle new projects on the horizon.

7/7-8…The last quarter moon in Aries allows for some compassionate action, with Mars forming a nice trine with Neptune. Our emotions are strong and are hard to hide in our communications with Mercury entering Cancer. Allow these feelings to help you make a point versus withdraw from an interaction.

7/9-10..The moon in Taurus supports a more methodical close to the week. Spend some time nature to soothe your senses, as next week brings some big shifts, which you may already be feeling.

7/11-12…This weekend brings a sudden shift. Our needs for security feel at odds  with our autonomy and independence. See where the unpredictable energy might be highlighting some stuck places in your world. It’s time for some movement.

7/13…Venus squares Saturn, bringing up some potential challenges in our relationships. Have clear boundaries with others and remember that you aren’t responsible for their feelings.

7/14-15…New Moon in Cancer…Cancer rules the homing instinct, connecting us to the emotional truth of the matter. We may be feeling unsettled with the shifts and changes in the air, especially those requiring us to step up and take action on what is probably a longstanding issue. It’s very important not to hide or avoid the truth telling that’s required of us. Keep in mind that everyone may be feeling especially vulnerable/defensive, so pick both your timing and words carefully. Remember to ground yourself and set a clear intention for any interactions that you may be concerned about.
7/16-17…Take some time to unwind and follow that which brings you joy. Use creative outlets to process any significant events of the past week or so.

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