
Full Moon in Gemini: Commitment

25 Nov 2015, 11:42 am

Happy Gemini Full Moon! This is the time of the year when the spotlight is on communication, writing, ideas, learning, education, multitasking, movement, and siblings. Gemini is the sign of choice as well as duality. With that in mind, the full moon will be exact on November 25, 2015 at 5:44 pm EST, 3 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius. For those further afield, that’s 2:44 pm Los Angeles, 10:44 pm London, 9:44 am Sydney on 11/26.

I often joke with my clients who have strong Gemini in their chart that they can never choose just one. Gemini loves to sample, dabble, and have one in every color. (Full disclosure: I have a Gemini Moon.) It’s also a youthful, playful sign with Peter Pan like tendencies. So, what happens when Gemini has to grow up? Deal with the consequences? Make stark choices? Or, choose one thing — one thing! — and stick with it?

When we look at the chart of the full moon, there’s Saturn in Sagittarius, almost exactly opposite. The ruler of the full moon, Mercury, isn’t too far away from Saturn either. If anyone is the boss of this full moon, it’s Saturn. And, guess what, he’s scrutinizing every choice we make and idea we have.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind. Saturn is the planet of boundaries, milestones, and authority. This full moon will draw a line in the sand. Something will concretize, coalesce, and come together in the following days. Maybe it’s an idea, a thought, or even a choice. No more dabbling, no more half commitments. Time to grow up.

We also have to look at the bigger picture. Saturn and Neptune are just about to make an exact square, a long term influence that has dug into themes of compassion, suffering, and illusion as well as the material versus spiritual. We see this in the world as a crisis over boundaries, refugees, the lost, and displaced. People are looking for salvation. They are also looking at escapism. Careful not to get caught up in any distortions of truth or reality with this full moon.

Additionally there’s an ache in this full moon, a deeper existential crisis boiling to the surface. Whatever choices we make, they have to be in line with Neptune — they have to purpose and meaning, heart and compassion. Neptune asks, what is your higher calling? What did you say you’d come here to do in this life? What did you commit to for Spirit? Saturn will help you bring these questions into focus and, god willing, make the right choices.

Enjoyed this post? I also do private, one-on-one consultations via Skype and phone, which allow us to delve into your chart and reveal where this full moon will manifest. Go to my consultations page to book your session. Check out my testimonials and FAQ to learn more about what I do.

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