
Integrating Transformation on an Emotional Level

01 Sep 2014, 10:04 am

Last week, Monday through Wednesday, Mars and Saturn came together and squared Venus. Over the week-plus leading up to that and ever since, many people have moved through intense territory, uncovering deep desires, hidden motivations, and unconscious fears related to relationships, a sense of personal value, sex, power, and control.

Yesterday, the Scorpio Moon danced with Saturn and Mars and today it aligned with Venus. And with that it seems like things that were triggered the past weeks may be being felt on an even more deep emotional level.

Did you find yourself triggered and stirred more intensely over the past two days? Did you find yourself connecting to what really nurtures you and find ways to best take care of yourself in a new way (or a way that you did in the past but haven’t in a while)? Did you find yourself further integrating all that has been arising for you over the last week-plus?

Hopefully, rather than the Scorpio Moon’s dance with Venus, Mars and Saturn just being a time of rough-and-tumble, it provided you with experiences and realizations that helped you dig deeper into what you personally need and how you can go about pursuing those things in the most nourishing ways.

The Moon moves into Sagittarius Monday at 10:17 am PDT. And with that we may find ourselves beginning to receive a higher level understanding of all that has recently transpired, integrating it within as deep wisdom, and seeing how it may be aligned with our burgeoning goals.


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