
JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS – November 8, 2018,​ till the ​ 2nd of December 2019.

18 Sep 2018, 11:18 am

It seems incredible that this transit of Jupiter through Scorpio, during the last 12 months is coming to an end, for the next 12 years. It began on October 11th, 2017 and reaches its end on November 7th this year. He has left us with quite a few men in position of power, seated in courtrooms or in jail for sexual abuse: Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, to name some of the best-known cases, but there have been many, and of course the unbearable and disgusting awareness that in “The Church” have occurred acts of sexual abuse for years, to children! without the perpetrators of such crimes ever been tried or worse, not even named, the vast majority of them. Jupiter, the planet that speaks of our beliefs, our laws, our education, our faith, transiting through the sign of Scorpio, a Water sign and the ride has been through the corridors of the Underworld of our emotions and our desires. Synchronized with Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio for many, I included, transiting Capricorn, which has to do with our institutions and the real astrological poetry has been expressed in a bombastic and extravagant tone as if we needed to be remembered that our connection with the Cosmos is much deeper than we think.

Cosmic coincidences leave us no doubt, that they have always happened and will always continue to happen and it is our responsibility to learn to read them and understand the message and the teachings emanating from them.

On November 8, Jupiter will enter Sagittarius, one of the signs that rules, a Fire sign, for the first time in 12 years. Both Jupiter, the largest planet (by far) of our solar system, to whom it has been granted the name of the God of the Gods, in Greek Mythology: Zeus, (understandably), in the sign of the Centaur, the Archer half beast, half human, but with that arrow always pointing to the hereafter. This is the sign that invites us to visit other lands, other cultures, other idiosyncrasies, other horizons, that takes us out of the neighborhood and pushes us to adventure, looking to grow, to expand and to improve, based on an inner faith that continually tempts us with new promises. It is optimistic, philosopher, adventurous and has an innate appreciation of the importance of the religious dimensions of life. This is a walk by its own sign, where it is dignified and can express itself in its most powerful and pure form.

The excess and the great pretensions are also part of this giant, their optimism is so contagious, that one does not measure the consequences when it is under its influence and it often takes us to excess and forgets that from the waist down, we remain beasts and that part goes with us everywhere, often uncontrolled. Great idealism, but also fundamentalism, gluttony, are aspects of this Fire sign, as it is, the open-mindedness, tolerance and the need for expansion.

Jupiter in its continuous dance with Saturn, the two planets that describe our society and our attitude towards it, need each other. Since Saturn has been transiting for almost 3 years Sagittarius (24 Dec 2014 to 21 Dec 2017) the passage of Jupiter through this sign will now feel even more powerful. An excessive optimism will invade us and push us to take more risks than ever before. Travel, airline companies, metaphysics, sports, our beliefs, education, our laws, are themes that Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring to our consciousness more vehemently.

Sagittarius is not a Water sign and Jupiter is not a god of the seas, therefore emotions are not the specialty of Jupiter in Sagittarius, which are seen by it as the problems of simple mortals. To believe one is more than one is, to think that one knows more than we actually know is typical of this combination.

Nicholas Copernicus, Hermann Hesse, Robert Redford, Antoine de St Exupery (The Little Prince), Woody Allen, Cameron Diaz, Steven Tyler, Amy Winehouse, Antonio Banderas (he went to live abroad and married foreigners), Ewan McGregor (toured the world on a motorcycle), Chris Hemsworth (Thor, in fiction, which is equivalent of Jupiter in the Germanic mythology, God of Thunder), Tony Robbins (invented “coaching”), Simon Cowell (creator of X-Factor and Britain’s Got Talent), Eckhart Tolle, are some characters with Jupiter in Sagittarius. All of these people clearly show the greatness of ideas and their ability to get out of their comfort zone, that eventually helped them achieve great things. Without Jupiter we would never leave the neighborhood, we will never be interested in other cultures, or the rest of the world, for that matter.

The area of your astral chart where you find Sagittarius is where you need to take risks and leave your comfort zone. Something, from the depths of your psyche, will tell you:-“Now!, this is the time to expand your horizons!-Travel to other lands, jump to that project that you have in mind, you will do well! – and maybe this is really the time.

Jupiter takes about a year, 13 months, to move through each sign of the zodiac, so the last time it transited Sagittarius was 12 years ago, or to be more exact, between November 25, 2006 and December 18, 2007. Can you remember what was happening in your life during that year? Those who now turn 23-24 years, the generation of 94-95 are living their second return of this planet, so remember what happened when you were 11 or 12 years?. How did your horizon expand then? Those who turn 36, 48, 60, 72 are also living the return of Jupiter can you see a pattern emerging from those moments of your life? Jupiteriana expansion means, changing country, changing cities, moving to a larger house, starting new studies, changing paradigms, making a journey to other lands that will change your consciousness and your mind forever. All of these are the possibilities of Jupiter’s returns that occur in our lives every 12 years. Think, investigate, reflect, ponder.

This next transit of Jupiter through its own sign will inspire us to travel in search of a better life, even more, so we will see an increase in migrants from all over the world, we will have to regulate and open doors, instead of building walls. Optimism will throw us into new adventures and the world beyond our borders will seem even more interesting to us. The search for truth in the midst of this “fake news” media war will be a matter of attention. In Spain, few cases of “fake masters”, of some politicians, have become public lately, which has implanted a deep doubt, on how some people get their masters, with favoritism and without following the corresponding process: attending classes and presenting the work at the end.

We will have much more of that and this is where we must strive not to become cynical and negative, justifying our negligence with phrases  that we often hear, like: “The powerful do not even need to go to class to obtain their diplomas.” On the contrary, the pressure of the people should be focused on demanding from the entities that offer the masters, more transparency, better prices, so that these do not continue creating a disproportionate rift between an elite of people who can pay the masters and those who can’t. Education is one of the themes of this combination of Jupiter in Sagittarius and we will have much more to investigate about it. The institutions that impart them will be questioned.

Something much deeper is happening with regard to education. Maybe we should consider delaying the entrance to University of teenagers, for a couple of years, the famous “Gap years”, that the English practice much more than the Spanish, to avoid school failure and have time to decide which career they want to pursue, instead of having to opt for “something” when they do not have much idea of what they are or love to do,  or as it is common in Spain, depending on the grade in the “selectivity exams”.

We should give our young people the possibility of a vocation, to follow what the soul asks of them, instead of wasting time studying subjects, academic information, quickly forgettable, because all they wanted was to have a diploma, which then many of them will never really use. Much needs to change in education if we want young people to feel accomplished professionally. These are deep social issues and Jupiter in Sagittarius will shed a light on it. How many pharmacists and nurses ( and I say that, based on actual cases among my clients and not with the spirit of lessening these important professions)  are there that actually wanted  to be doctors, but because of  cultural conditioning or family judgment or because the grade in the “selectivity” did not grant them a place in medical school? How many young people study Career Bussiness Administration, when they actually wanted to be engineers or musicians? Until when will we produce professionally frustrated people? , just because we have to hurry and decide what to do with our professional life? At 18 years old!

Changes to, or the obedience of the Constitution, is another of the dilemmas that this year beginning in November (for Jupiter in Sagittarius), will put on the social working table. With Saturn passing through Capricorn on its way to the encounter with Pluto and Jupiter, in 2020 in this sign of the goat, that concerns large institutions, the pressure continues on many of these institutions, to come clean, to more transparency, being the Catholic Church, one of the most obvious one.

On a personal level, the big winners will be Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, but also Aquarius and Libra since they will feel that luck is on their side, that the time has come to give that extra step to success. Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces will face the dilemma of learning to put some limits to their aspirations and desire for expansion, but the desire will be there, whispering in a loud voice: “Look beyond the Neighborhood”! Learn from other cultures. Travel! if you can’t do it physically, do it mentally, studying, reading about other idiosyncrasies.  Get out of your comfort zone and look beyond your physical and/or mental boundaries.

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