
Mercury retrograde leads us to the Solar Eclipse, as if we need any more madness

18 Aug 2017, 06:50 pm

New Moon in Leo Solar Eclipse: Monday, 8.21.17

No doubt about it – energies are amping up as we approach the New Moon Solar Eclipse

occurring Monday, August 21
Totality at 12:30pm MDT 28 degrees 53 minutes LEO
Directly after the eclipse at 2:25pm MDT the Moon will enter Virgo followed by the Sun entering Virgo on August 22. Mercury is already in Virgo retrograde at 11 degrees. Virgo-fest to follow the boom boom impact of the Eclipse. A creekside rest after a wild ride on the river of life, a drink from a soothing water hole after a scorching Leo re-set.

Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, Mercury retrograde in Virgo: creekside R&R

The energies have been so intense, affecting each one differently. Middle of the night panic attacks.
Sleeplessness/Exhaustion. Worry and concern over dark underbelly exposure. The Emperor has no clothes and no one is doing anything about it, just a lot of incessant chatter like monkeys in trees on a crack-binge. Twists, turns, and falls as the body wants to rest from the onslaught. Uncertainty about what is to be. Uncertainty about your own power/ability to thrive and flourish. All to be expected as sweeping changes are in the offing, sweeping changes orchestrated and carried by each one of us –
by you.
What thought forms and programming that are not working for you will you permanently and forever release to the past where they belong? What new and exciting, life-affirming programming
will you intend, focus upon, and create? This New Moon Eclipse offers the optimum conditions for change. What will you change? What will you allow to change in your life?
Where the eclipse falls in your chart will direct us to the answer.

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