
New Moon In Virgo, Venus square Mars/Saturn 2014

25 Aug 2014, 12:27 pm



The End
The Beginning
…all around us!

Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio.
New Moon in Virgo

Great day to throw something away!
Or do I mean plant a seed?!

What does the harsh new world look like?
For every Gain, a Sacrifice, there is one in here somewhere with your name on it.

Play it straight.
Be True.

Careful, Thorough, Kind, & No Dummy: That’s you, this week.
We do not blindly rely on the kindness of strangers or loved ones.
Not at this time:
The potential to be otherwise is right there.

As my father used to say, “I may be STUPID, but I ain’t no dummy”

Bend it too far, and it will definitely break!
It may break anyway.

With a line up like this no one rests easy.
You are being moved on to the next stage.

What happens now has meaning.
It’s not a casual moment.
If you take it too serious you may freeze up: not helpful.

Stay awake, stay in the game.
Don’t Mess. Power will be used where it can be used.
Sex, Money, Boundaries,

If you pray at all, it’s a beautiful time for prayer.
Let God(s) handle it. They do have a way about them.
God(s) have been at it a long time.
Ask them to flow through you.

To make the invisible materialize, that’s Virgo’s job.
Virgo the Magician, from thought to real physical manifestation.
Plan on it.

Find Virgo in your chart, there is the place!
Find Scorpio too, that’s where the mark is made,
and Leo?
I could say it’s where you take the hit, but it’s a little more complex,
there are challenges, rewards too!
An opening, just not an easy one…It’s a beginning!


Karma catches up with us.
If we are destined to handle it, we will do that now.

Love YOU!!!


If you would like a consult,
to look for the the right tools to handle the job, or for any reason at all,
I’ll be around!

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