
Pre Saturn In Saggo Prep

17 Dec 2014, 08:07 pm

Roger Dean

Saturn in Sagg.  Saturn in Sagittarius. It even SOUNDS crazy-fresh. But hey, how much did we learn about Sex/Money/Personal Power and the Scorpio area of our astrological chart this last 26 months?

Saturn in Sagittarius will shift things fast and all those lessons will be put to genius use. Sagittarius is ‘don’t fence me in’ –  Saturn IS boundaries.

If you’re going to be busting a few barriers, it’ll be with a schedule, a strategy and most likely even a well-thought out agreement beforehand. No point blowing any of that mojo/power you scored since 2012.  Here is one example of a Pre Saturn in Sagittarius prepper.
Hi Mystic :)

As a Sagittarius with a Capricorn Stellium, I just know Saturn in Sag is BIG (duh) and beautiful (as the best thing in life takes effort, i find Saturn beautiful). I was pondering about what examples I could find of this expression, furthermore, i was looking for a specific thing I could do for the 6th house in which Saturn has already entered (my 6th house starting off in Scorpio but is mostly Sagittarius).

And then it dawned on me; that what i am doing is EXACTLY that.
I am going for a 2 week yoga retreat on the beach in Jamaica, followed by 3 days in Kingston just chillin’
There are 2 yoga classes daily + a meditation class, i can’t wait to work hard!!!

I am going alone, and i have so much prep to do; this is my first trip, and even more my first trip alone!
This involves for me a lot of budget planning, a lot of not spending til i get there, saving up the money for my trip, as i have paid my plane tickets and made a reservation, but the 2000$ fee has to be paid there upfront.

So yeah.. funny for i was looking for an example of Saturn in Sag acting out, when i had it right in front of ME.

Thankyou for your always helpful astrology that focuses on evolving

Much Love



Image: Roger Dean

The post Pre Saturn In Saggo Prep appeared first on Mystic Medusa.


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