
Scorpio Solar Eclipse Mini-Readings

01 Oct 2014, 10:20 am

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Even if we can’t see an Eclipse in the sky where we live, these celestial events are renowned for being very powerful in the way in which they can impact our lives. Accompanied by life-changing events and reflections that manifest around the time of these stellar happenings, Eclipses can serve as a mirror of things being set in motion, providing us with great markers of awareness along the journey of our lives. And yet, it’s not always clear right away what is being inspired, given that there’s a sense that things seem eclipsed, or obscured, during Eclipses.

On October 23, there will be a Scorpio Solar (New Moon) Eclipse that is integrally woven in with the planet Venus. As such, it may hail the advent of a new cycle in our lives that allow us to connect with, unearth, and express deep and empowered facets of our selves, as related to love, relationships, beauty, pleasure, and our guiding values.

So that you can gain insights into what this Eclipse may be inspiring within you, I am again offering mini-readings. In our 1/2-hour session, I’ll look to see where the Venus-highlighted Eclipse falls in your birth chart and we’ll dialogue about what this may be catalyzing—what new arenas of growth may be being ushered in—as well as perspectives and strategies so that you feel empowered to consciously approach and engage in what is unfolding in your life. I will also weave these insights into context of other opportunity/challenge signatures (transits) that are currently unfolding for you.

These limited availability sessions will be available October 13 – 17.

These 30-minute readings take place by phone or Skype. The fee is $65.

To schedule a reading or if you had additional questions, please contact me here.

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