
Standing Still at Solstice

15 Dec 2017, 03:49 pm

An imagined silver Moon, against a black-and-white winter backdrop, is the perfect screen on which to discover the secrets of your psyche. Step into your personal dreamscape and descend into your unconscious. Pay attention to your emotions and unspoken yearnings. This is the time for that. The message inscribed in the heavens at the Sagittarius New Moon is that the pearl of wisdom lies within.

What are you thinking? It’s common to overextend self—financially and energetically—during the holidays. But this is Solstice time, the change of seasons. Bodies are vulnerable to infection and fatigue during these weeks. The secret to more soulful navigating is plainly visible. Just do as the Sun is doing at solstice:  Slow down.  That’s what “sol-stice” means—the Sun is standing still.

If something inside you recognizes this, “Yes. I’d love to just stop for a moment,” or “I yearn to be alone with my thoughts,” find a free hour—and if that’s not available—a free fifteen minutes on your calendar sometime in the next week. Once you have the time scheduled, select the place. Where can you be pleasantly alone with your thoughts? Somewhere you’ll feel safe and not likely to be interrupted. A comfortable chair is ideal.

At the scheduled hour, keep your appointment.  Ahhh… Settle in. There is nothing to do. No one to please.  Shine the gentle light of your attention on your inner world.  Does it feel sharp? Thick? Agitated? Dull?  Just notice.  If these are thoughts you’ve been thinking for a few hours already, let them settle. Wait patiently for a gap to appear in your thoughts. Then enjoy this non-thinking.

After a while, investigate. Is there a question? A mystery that needs solving? Or is there a need? Are you hungry for something? Be the one who hears these things.

Don’t try to solve anything immediately. Whatever is asked with the heart–not the busy mind–becomes an irresistible puzzle to your intuition. If you go slowly over the next couple days, your inner wisdom voice will have an important message for you. Gently be listening for it.


The post Standing Still at Solstice appeared first on Mooncircles.

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