
The Love R/Evolution

19 Dec 2014, 10:51 am

Some Stellar Reflection Questions to Ponder:

* Do you think you can love more deeply than you currently do?

* Are you finding that certain things really matter much more than you had previously perceived?

* Are you seeing the importance of being more emotionally revealing/truthful in relationships so that you can help co-create their rightful path, their continuing into a deeper stage of richness or their release because of the reality that they have become outworn?

* Are you finding yourself being attracted to things you didn’t think were your style and giving yourself the permission to explore alternative expressions of beauty?

* Do you have this urge to clean your closets and purge those things that don’t don’t spark joy within you?

* Are you coming to the unavoidable realization that the way in which you manage your money isn’t really serving you as well as it could?

* Are you finding yourself irritated that you’re not declaring your value as you should and want to immediately do something about that?

* Are you finding yourself all of a sudden irritated by other people, or perhaps noting that they are acting in unexpected ways (only to realize that there’s something deeper looming under the surface within you that’s got you responding that way)?

What’s got me asking these questions?

None other than Venus connecting to the Uranus/Pluto Square that’s quite palpable right now. {Venus conjoins Pluto and squares Uranus exactly Saturday December 20.}

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