
Tuesday July 22 – Sun into Leo ° Mercury opposite Pluto ° Uranus stations ° Moon in Gemini

21 Jul 2014, 04:00 pm

Tuesday July 22

Sun into Leo ° Mercury opposite Pluto ° Uranus stations ° Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini: Decan 2 ◆ Archangel Ariel ◆ The energies are Gemini and Mars…

Speed it up! As the Moon in Gemini moves through the part of the skies guided by the planet Mars, it’s full speed ahead towards our goals. The Moon in Gemini is already a well-oiled lunar thing, and having the overlay of the Mars energy means it’s in hyper-drive. The thing to watch out for today is trying too hard to get too much done. You will be much better off if you pace yourself.

The angel guiding the Moon today is Ariel, one of the most nature-loving and sprightly angels. If you do find that you’re going too fast and risking burn out today, light a candle and ask her to help you to b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Also, Ariel is very much connected to nature, so if you can find time between everything else to – say – walk through a park on your way to or from home, or to sit in your garden for a bit, if you’re lucky enough to have one, then do it!

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The post Tuesday July 22 – Sun into Leo ° Mercury opposite Pluto ° Uranus stations ° Moon in Gemini appeared first on moonology.com.


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