
Ushering In The New {Scorpio Solar Eclipse}

23 Oct 2014, 07:47 pm

We’ve released. We’ve let go. We’ve surrendered. The canvas is cleared/clearing.

So now…

What do we want to create? What do we want to usher in? How will we connect with, unearth, and express deep and empowered facets of ourselves, as related to love, relationships, beauty, pleasure, the allowance of income-ing energies, and our guiding values?

As the Moon has shifted, opening up to its new phase, and with Venus dancing close by, we can now cast intentions for what we would like to invoke so that our life has more richness and beauty, and unfolds from a place where our guiding values sculpt our orientation and direction.

Reflect upon this, if it speaks to you. And if you desire, share your invocations here, if you would like myself and others to bear witness. 


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