nr ↓ | name ↓ | Name Source ↓ |
1320 | Impala | Named after the large brownish African antelope. The male has slender lyrate horns. (H 120) |
2089 | Cetacea | Named for the order of mammals commonly called whales, many species of which are currently endangere |
2731 | Cucula | After (1775) Zimmerwald, this is the second minor planet to be discovered at Zimmerwald in the month |
3022 | Dobermann | Named in honor of Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann (1834–1894), German zoologist and amateur astronome |
4198 | Panthera | Name derived from the Latin for ‘panther’, referring to a large, intimidating cat. Also, Panthere ti |
4257 | Ubasti | Ubasti, also called Bastet or Bast, was an ancient Egyptian goddess worshipped in the form of a cat. |
8433 | Brachyrhynchus | Named for Anser brachyrhynchus, or pink-footed goose. This species, as well as many of those |
8435 | Anser | Named for Anser anser, or greylag goose. |
8436 | Leucopsis | Named for Branta leucopsis, or barnacle goose. |
8437 | Bernicla | Named for Branta bernicla, or Brant goose. |
8438 | Marila | Named for Aythya marila, or greater scaup. |
8439 | Albellus | Named for Mergus albellus, or smew. |
8441 | Lapponica | Named for Limosa lapponica, or bar-tailed godwit. |
8442 | Ostralegus | Named for Haematopus ostralegus, or oyster catcher. |
8443 | Svecica | Named for Luscinia svecica, or bluethroat. |
8538 | Gammelmaja | Named for Gammelmaja, an old and wise cat who seldom fails to notice when Pelle is being treated unf |
8585 | Purpurea | Named for Ardea purpurea, or purple heron. |
8586 | Epops | Named for Upupa epops, or hoopoe. |
8587 | Ruficollis | Named for Tachybaptus ruficollis, or little grebe. |
8588 | Avosetta | Named for Recurvirostra avosetta, or avocet. |
8590 | Pygargus | Named for Circus pygargus, or Montagu's harrier. |
8591 | Excubitor | Named for Lanius excubitor, or great grey or northern shrike. |
8592 | Rubetra | Named for Saxicola rubetra, or whinchat. |
8593 | Angustirostris | Named for Marmaronetta angustirostris, also called Anas angustirostris, marbled teal o |
8594 | Albifrons | Named for Sterna albifrons, or little tern. |
8595 | Dougallii | Named for Sterna dougallii, or roseate tern. |
8596 | Alchata | Named for Pterocles alchata, or pin-tailed sandgrouse. |
8597 | Sandvicensis | Named for Sterna sandvicensis, or sandwich tern. |
8598 | Tetrix | Named for Tetrao tetrix, also named Lyrurus tetrix, or black grouse. |
8599 | Riparia | Named for Riparia riparia, or sand martin. |
8601 | Ciconia | Named for Ciconia ciconia, or white stork. |
8602 | Oedicnemus | Named for Burhinus oedicnemus, or stone curlew. |
8603 | Senator | Named for Lanius senator, or woodchat shrike. |
8643 | Quercus | Named for Quercus, a genus belonging to the family Fagaceae. The tree Quercus robur ( |
8644 | Betulapendula | Named for Betula pendula (silver birch), a species in the genus Betula belonging to th |
8647 | Populus | Named for Populus, a genus belonging to the family Salicaceae. Populus nigra (black p |
8648 | Salix | Named for Salix, a genus belonging to the family Salicaceae. Salix alba |
8649 | Juglans | Named for Juglans, a genus belonging to the family Juglandaceae. Juglans regia (Engli |
8652 | Acacia | Named for Acacia, belonging to the family Mimosaceae. Acacia mearnsii (mimosa) is a s |
8656 | Cupressus | Named for Cupressus, belonging to the family Cupressaceae. Cupressus macrocarpia (Mon |
8657 | Cedrus | Named for Cedrus, belonging to the family Pinaceae. Cedrus libani (cedar of Lebanon) |
8752 | Flammeus | Named for Asio flammeus, or short-eared owl. |
8753 | Nycticorax | Named for Nycticorax nycticorax, or night heron. |
8754 | Leucorodia | Named for Platalea leucorodia, or spoonbill. |
8756 | Mollissima | Named for Somateria mollissima, or common eider. |
8757 | Cyaneus | Named for Circus cyaneus, or hen or northern harrier. |
8758 | Perdix | Named for Perdix perdix, or partridge. |
8759 | Porzana | Named for Porzana porzana, or spotted crake. |
8760 | Crex | Named for Crex crex, or corncrake. |
8761 | Crane | Named for the bird Grus grus; Crane is its English name. It belongs to the family of the Gru |
8762 | Hiaticula | Named for Charadrius hiaticula, or ringed plover. |
8763 | Pugnax | Named for Philomachus pugnax, or ruff (male) and reeve (female). |
8764 | Gallinago | Named for Gallinago gallinago, or snipe. |
8765 | Limosa | Named for Limosa limosa, or black-tailed godwit. |
8766 | Niger | Named for Chlidonias niger, or black tern. |
8767 | Commontern | Named for the bird Sterna hirundo; Common tern is its English name. It belongs to the family |
8768 | Barnowl | Named for the bird Tyto alba; Barn Owl is its English name. It belongs to the family of the |
8769 | Arctictern | Named for the bird Sterna paradisaea; Arctic tern is its English name. It belongs to the fam |
8770 | Totanus | Named for Tringa totanus, or redshank. |
8771 | Biarmicus | Named for Panurus biarmicus, or bearded tit. |
8772 | Minutus | Named for Ixobrychus minutus, or little bittern. |
8773 | Torquilla | Named for Jynx torquilla, or wryneck. |
8774 | Viridis | Named for Picus viridis, or green woodpecker. |
8775 | Cristata | Named for Galerida cristata, or crested lark. |
8776 | Campestris | Named for Anthus campestris, or tawny pipit. |
8777 | Torquata | Named for Saxicola torquata, or stonechat. |
8833 | Acer | Named for Aceraceae, the maple family, with two genera and more than 100 species. One well-known sp |
8834 | Anacardium | Named for Anacardiaceae, the cashew or mango family, with 80 genera and over 800 species of evergree |
8835 | Annona | Named for Annonaceae, the custard apple family, with more than 2000 species. The trees are mainly t |
8836 | Aquifolium | Named for Aquifoliaceae, the holly family, with 700 evergreens and deciduous species. Ilex aquif |
8852 | Buxus | Named for Buxaceae, the box family, with four or five genera and some 60 species of evergreen trees |
8856 | Celastrus | Named for Celastraceae, the staff-tree family, with 100 genera and over 1000 species including many |
8857 | Cercidiphyllum | Named for Cercidiphyllaceae, a family with only one member, Cercidiphyllum japonicum (katsura |
8858 | Cornus | Named for Cornaceae, the dogwood family, with about 12 genera and 100 species of evergreens, deciduo |
8872 | Ebenum | Named for Ebenaceae, the ebony family, with only two genera and 500 species. Male and female flower |
8886 | Elaeagnus | Named for Elaeagnaceae, the oleaster family with three genera and about 50 species. In many species |
8959 | Oenanthe | Named for Oenanthe oenanthe, or wheatear. |
8962 | Noctua | Named for Athene noctua, or little owl. |
8963 | Collurio | Named for Lanius collurio, or red-backed shrike. |
8964 | Corax | Named for Corvus corax, or raven. |
8965 | Citrinella | Named for Emberiza citrinella, or yellowhammer. |
8966 | Hortulana | Named for Emberiza hortulana, or ortolan bunting. |
8967 | Calandra | Named for Miliaria calandra, or corn bunting. |
8968 | Europaeus | Named for Caprimulgus europaeus, or nightjar. |
8970 | Islandica | Named for Bucephala islandica, or Barrow's goldeneye. |
8972 | Sylvatica | Named for Turnix sylvatica, or Andalusian hemipode. |
8973 | Pratincola | Named for Glareola pratincola, or collared pratincole. |
8974 | Gregaria | Named for Chettusia gregaria, or sociable plover. |
8975 | Atthis | Named for Alcedo atthis, or kingfisher. |
8976 | Leucura | Named for Oenanthe leucura, or black wheatear. |
8977 | Paludicola | Named for Acrocephalus paludicola, or aquatic warbler. |
8978 | Barbatus | Named for the bird Gypaetus barbatus, or lammergeier. |
8979 | Clanga | Named for the bird Aquila clanga, or greater spotted eagle. |
8980 | Heliaca | Named for the bird Aquila heliaca, or imperial eagle. |
9019 | Eucommia | Named for Eucommiaceae, a family with only one member, the elmlike Eucommia ulmoides, a vigor |
9020 | Eucryphia | Named for Eucryphiaceae, a family with five species in a single genus. Eucryphia cordifolia |
9021 | Fagus | Named for Fagaceae, the beech family, with eight genera and over 1000 species, including oaks and ch |
9040 | Flacourtia | Named for Flacourtiaceae, the Indian plum family, with almost 90 genera and 900 species. Flacour |
9053 | Hamamelis | Named for Hamamelidaceae, the witch hazel family, with about 25 genera and 100 species, typical in S |
9054 | Hippocastanum | Named for Hippocastanaceae, the horse-chestnut family, with only two genera and 15 species. Aesc |
9203 | Myrtus | Named for Myrtaceae, the myrtle family of aromatic trees and shrubs, with more than 100 genera and n |
9242 | Olea | Named for Oleaceae, the olive family, with about 25 genera and nearly 1000 species. Genera include |
9306 | Pittosporum | Named for Pittosporaceae, the Australian laurel family, with nine genera and more than 200 species, |
9309 | Platanus | Named for Platanaceae, the plane family, with one genus and seven species. They grow wild mainly in |
9313 | Protea | Named for Proteaceae, the firebush family, with some 75 genera and over 1000 species. They are nati |
9316 | Rhamnus | Named for Rhamnaceae, the buckthorn family of deciduous and evergreen trees, shrubs and climbing pla |
9326 | Ruta | Named for Rutaceae, the rue family, with over 150 genera and 1500 species, including citrus fruits. |
9486 | Utemorrah | Named for the Australian Aboriginal poet Daisy Utemorrah (1922–1993), teller of Dreamtime stories in |
9488 | Huia | Named for the bird, extinct since 1907, with splendid green and black plumage and a long white-tippe |
9860 | Archaeopteryx | Archaeopteryx is the early bird that had a dinosaur-like skeleton, a bird-like skull and teeth in th |
9879 | Mammuthus | Mammuthus or woolly mammoth was a kind of elephant, about 4 meters tall, with dense dark hair |
9880 | Stegosaurus | Stegosaurus was a large dinosaur, 6 to 9 meters long, with a characteristic double row of large bony |
9937 | Triceratops | Triceratops was a heavy dinosaur with three horns, two above the eyes and one on the snout. It lived |
9941 | Iguanodon | Iguanodon was a heavy bipedal, upright-standing dinosaur, balancing its long 10-meter body by a heav |
9949 | Brontosaurus | Brontosaurus was a gigantic dinosaur, as large as 20 meters and weighing about 30 tons. It lived in |
9951 | Tyrannosaurus | Tyrannosaurus, a heavy bipedal dinosaur with a huge skull, long massive jaws and dagger-like teeth, |
9954 | Brachiosaurus | Brachiosaurus, the heaviest of all dinosaurs (about 70 tons) had a very long neck with a small head. |
13351 | Zibeline | Zibeline is the name of a small animal (Martes zibellina), that generally lives in the colder |
16598 | Brugmansia | Named for a genus of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. They are woody trees or shrub |
17493 | Wildcat | The University of Arizona (whose athletic symbol is a wildcat) has contributed to astronomy and plan |
22280 | Mandragora | Named for a genus belonging to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Members of the genus are k |
39991 | Iochroma | Named for a genus of shrubs and small trees found in the forests of South America. Their hummingbird |
58671 | Diplodocus | Named for one of the largest animals ever to walk on the earth, the Dashing Diplodocus is the |
66583 | Nicandra | Named for a monotypic genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family containing the single speci |
263251 | Pandabear | The Giant Panda is an endangered species and is a favourite animal to many. This is to honour this |