
(1999 TC8 )
NOW @ 3 LEO 10

Discovery Chart

4.10.1999 00:00 Ondrejov 14e47 49n55 observations 1

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Václav Neumann (1920–1995) was the head conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra during 1968–1990. He became famous especially for his interpretation of the work of Martinů, Mahler {see planet  (4406)}, Janáček {see planet  (2073)} and Dvořák {see planets  (2047)}. (M 45749) _ _.

Avastatud: 4-10-1999 Avastamiskoht: Ondrejov Avastajad: Sarounova, L.

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Kategooriad: Reaalsed isikud, Hilda,