
Aquarius Full Moon (#1) July 23 at 7:36pm PDT

23 Jul 2021, 03:59 pm


Aquarius in the living room. SkyView Lite APP 

Full Moon Phase –  

1 Aquarius 26 

July 23, 2021

7:36pm PDT 



We will be experiencing two back-to-back full moons in the same sign.  The first moon is at 1 degree of Aquarius; the second full moon on August 22 is at 29 degrees of Aquarius.   While this is not rare (last double full moon was 2019 – Aries), it does speak to a repeating theme: How to lean into our uniqueness?  What sets you apart but also brings you together with others?   How do you use your uniqueness or even your “weirdness”?  How do you share it?   More important how do you take that unique voice and help others?   How do you connect with others?  


Aquarius is the final air sign, so it is a more mental than emotional three-day phase. We have a more science-y approach to anything.   If there is a big bugaboo that you can’t quite find a solution, these Aquarius full moons are great to get input and creative solutions.  Solutions that are super practical but still are ingenus and hit that, “Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” button.   Even more to the point Aquarius full moons can reap the benefit of group thought.  Bringing in others and coming up with a solution.    


The energy of the two Aquarius full moons is a bit different due to planetary aspects, the first one has a conjunction to Pluto and the second one has a conjunction with Jupiter.   This first full moon we eat our vegetables, next full moon we get some dessert.   But both ask us to find our unique (Aquarius) voice that is very personal (Sun in Leo) and bring it to anyone, any situation, any group that needs help, breakthroughs or solutions. 


The chart for July 23 full moon has an out of sign Moon conjunction to Pluto in late Capricorn.   Pluto always ask that we release stuff that is not serving us no matter how much we think we need to hang on to it.   Fear wrapped up in ego to hold on to status quo is hallmark of Pluto in Capricorn.  On this full moon showing up for others that is sensible and practical is key.   But if we dip into the shadowy side of Capricorn, it will not feel right.  What are our motives?  Are we showing up because it is good for all?  Or is it a way to get some advantage later down the road?    Is it a way to make us feel better than others in some twisted up insecurity?  Or is an opportunity to bring good and move on letting the goodness help and perhaps inspire others to step up?    


One keyway to check your inner compass, is if you note lack, jealousy or envy pop up during the three days.  The Leo Sun opposition Pluto/Moon can challenge us that whatever comes up that is icky is coming up for us to process, let go and heal.  For example, if there is a moment that comes up that feels like, “No one is ever there for me, I have to do everything alone.”    Okay.   Maybe that does feel true but then use this full moon to ask, who is your circle?  Is it time to branch out?  Are you telling yourself that you can’t reach out?   Or you can’t expand your world?   What is your tribe?  Some people may carry the legacy that only family is tribe.  Family can be great, for sure, but they also can be problematic because there are so many rules with family.  It also can lack uniqueness since family can be homogenized in thinking.   Aquarius breaks free of rules, it seeks fresh air.  We are not getting two full moons in Aquarius by accident, we are being asked to expand our circles on some level.   This moon (and the next one) are great times to step up for community or at the very least access the benefits of community.   Perhaps there is some civic resource that you need, and it is right at your fingertips, but you have not looked for it.  Maybe you need to ask people in your community or circles, and someone will give you an important key to something that could be so helpful.    


One thing also worth noting about these back-to-back Aquarius full moons is that they are not alone in ringing the Aquarius bell.  Saturn is around ten degrees Aquarius and remains in Aquarius until March of 2023, so we are about midway in that journey.   Saturn is the planet of responsibility so wherever you have Aquarius in your chart you are feeling extra burdened or taking on more responsibilities.   If you do not know your chart you can draft one, for free HERE.   It is remarkable that the month Saturn the planet of hard work and usually lone journeys went into Aquarius, Covid 19 sent most of the world into their homes, isolated from others relying on technology (Aquarius) or community for help and connectedness.  The full moon can have stories in the news that speaks to Covid and how we need to continue to support others.  


Then there is Jupiter who spent the beginning of 2021 in Aquarius until May when it dipped into Pisces.  On July 28 it returns to Aquarius.   In that environment of two major planets in Aquarius we have these two full moons in Aquarius.  Do you think the Universe is getting our attention?    There is so much tinkering going on in Aquarius that it is drafting all of us into this work.  It is not just elected officials or defined ‘leaders’ in communities it is all of us talking to one another, brainstorming, stepping up and offering support.   See what you learn this Full Moon and how it speaks to your unique gifts and how you can share them with others.   We will also talk about your specialness in two weeks at the Leo New Moon but between now and start to feel your uniqueness.  

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